english - latvian translation

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Latvian falls within the eastern branch of the Baltic languages. Most of the Baltic languages have already died, the only two that have been preserved, Latvian and Lithuanian are. These two languages are similar, the differences are primarily in phonetics and vocabulary, less so in morphology. Both are preserved many archaisms, which dates from the early Indo-European, and attract the attention of linguists. The first Latvian written monuments are from the 16th century. Today's literary Latvian but began to take shape until the time of national revival in the second half of the 19th century. Latvian language is inflectional. Names inflect only six cases (missing seventh fall) and are distinguished only two noun genders. Verb recognizes more method (having a tlumočící way). Latvian was heavily influenced by German (especially in terms of vocabulary), writes a modified Latin alphabet.

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  • Language versions in all European countries
  • Security is our priority, so we use secure coding to protect our users and their translations

Select the languages that you want the translator to work with. Type or paste your text into the upper box and click "translate". The bottom box will immediately show your requested translation which you can then select, copy, and use for your needs. Translator.eu can translate up to 1000 characters of text (medium long text) at a time. If you want to translate a longer text, you will need to divide the translation into several parts. To achieve the highest possible quality of translation, make sure that the text is grammatically correct. Slang expressions, just like texts written in a colloquial language, are generally a problem for online translators. Please don't forget to evaluate the result of your translation, or write your own translation if you think that the translated text is wrong.

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